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Katinka Bock

1976, DE


360 x 80 x 20 cm | 520 x 80 x 20 cm

Katinka Bock’s artistic research materialises as sculptures and installations in which she uses materials that are only minimally transformed, often evoking skins or zones of contact, or alternatively folding up as if around an intimate space. The passage of time and our perception of it are essential themes in Bock’s work.
Set on the facade of a former workshop complex, her sculpture Zzeiger consists of long spears made of conical elements, in effect pieces of leather that were rolled up before being moulded and cast in aluminium. The two hands of this frozen clock, Z and z, will never be reunited. But the sun continues to turn and casts a shadow on the façade, turning it into a sundial.

Katinka Bock was born in 1976 in Frankfurt/Main, Germany. She lives between Paris and Berlin.

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